Mind and Movement course at Brighton Buddhist centre

10 weeks, Wednesday mornings starting Oct 5th. 10:15 am - 12:00 pm
The Brighton Buddhist centre has been participating in an on-line and in person event this year called “Nature of Mind”. "How do we decide what to do - and how do we put that into action? How do we make new decisions about how to live?" Lets explore our own minds and movement in a friendly practical way. I am offering a series of mornings - 10 weeks - exploring some of the ideas from the Nature of mind project with everyday movement and decision making. We will be linking with some of the on-line recordings and exploring with meditation, hands on Alexander technique & mindful movement, and discussion and enquiry. We will be including some aspects of Breathworks and secular mindfulness training. The course material is flexible and will evolve as the course proceeds. If you would like to come please follow this link to the Brighton Buddhist centre to enroll. You can find out more with me by phone : 07501 017597
Photo : Gannet by Paul Collins