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Online Opportunity - Autumn Course: Mindfulness for Health & Alexander Technique. Saturday morni

Mindfulness for Health & Alexander Technique

Saturday mornings 10-12 10 weeks Sept 26 - Dec 5 (half term Oct 31) £84

What strange times we live in - and how much adapting there is to do. I wonder how your “lock down time” has been? Would you like to share learning new skills to navigate a pathway through the autumn and into winter? If you are familiar with mindfulness to some extent but would also like to refresh and develop your skills this course could also be for you. We will explore skills with learning to think differently. This helps us care for ourselves & others. We will learn more about how we can help our posture and movement to support whatever our personal needs and health condition are. And we will be on a journey, sharing as feels suitable for us. There is the opportunity for friendly discussion and questions. And it is fine simply to participate and be with us as is okay for you.

Our local community centre is still thriving - but online mostly - and I am offering a ten week course. I value very highly being with people in person, Alexander technique is usually a “hands-on” person to person learning. At the moment, however, I am keen to see how we can share learning in a different way. I have, during lockdown & the summer, been participating in online zoom classes teaching Buddhism and participating in retreats online. I have been surprised and grateful for how effective and supportive I have found them for my own practice. One plus about online is that we can come together from our home and pace ourselves as we need. For some people it can make participating in a course possible, when they would not be able to travel for health or family reasons. If you are not from my local area you are also welcome. I have my own health challenges and family responsibility, so for me I am finding the online format has positive advantages. Each class will include meditating together, probably two short sessions, so we are not looking at the screen all the time. We will have a mid-way comfort break. And you are free to find a position, seated or otherwise that works for you. If you are interested to learn mindfulness with a locally based community please do call me on 07501 017597 or 01273 302569 to discuss the course. Booking is through Rottingdean Whiteway Centre

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