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Mindfulness for Health Course

8 Week Course: Based around the book,  Mindfulness for Health by Vidyamala Burch

8 Week course, 1 session a week in a small group setting: two and a half hours, with short, daily home practice. (We have a tea break in the middle, and you can pace according to your needs.)  One optional follow up event to share experience and skills after the course ends.

The Breathworks programme is practical and experiential - giving us tools which we can use in times of stress or with the ongoing challenges of chronic health difficulties.

We learn practical strategies to help us at these time - and share with others our experiences when things go well and when we struggle. We learn movements which help us to improve our physical strength & suppleness. We explore techniques for pacing - even in those times when that may seem impossible.

The course grew from the experience of Vidyamala Burch, who has worked creatively with her own serious back pain condition. It has been developed over years, responding to research and experience of teaching groups & individuals in the UK and around the world.


It is called Breathworks because it works - and because we learn how to allow our own breathing to help us by being an anchor in difficult times. Mindfulness for health is a secular course which draws on ancient Buddhist understanding of how our hearts and minds work, applying this to everyday activities and challenges.

buy Mindfulness for health book online...


The book is an integral part of the course and needs to be purchased in advance.

Mindfulness testimonials

"Mindfulness for Health" Short Course

A small group of four people plus myself as tutor met in a participant’s home, for a five week course. We met once prior to the course starting to meet each other, and once a month after the course ended.


Their comments on the course were:

“I felt it was particularly helpful that an atmosphere was created for people to express their intimate problems and share in the best way to solve them. The concept of mindfulness was clearly demonstrated so that it could be practised in everyone’s different lives.”


“Small group good especially in my own home. Whole new concept of coping with thought processes. Very keen to make use of concept in everyday life.”


“Pretty good experience overall”


"I have enjoyed the course and hope to get a lot out of it”

Summer 2015  "Mindfulness for Health" Breathworks course.


Some comments from an evaluation form -  responding to the question

"Do you feel you have gained something of lasting value from the course?"


"Kindness and compassion".


"To stop and rest, don't plough on through. Its not you alone, don't worry about speaking to others."


"More ability to relax and experience/enjoy the moment. A tool for recovery and regrouping from the stresses of life".


"I have found it very useful to evaluate my life as it is now, but also to have the knowledge and skills (tools if you like) to help make choices. I felt very trapped and in a rut before, but now I feel I have gained confidence and skill in being able to have choice in life again."


"Difficult to articulate but here goes! The tools to move forward with my life in a way that will benefit me greatly. Mindfulness is so much more that I imagined before I began the course. I believe it will help me to be a better person to myself and others. I was struck by how much Cherry obviously cared about giving the very best of herself to her teaching to help us all get the most out of it as individuals."


Read more testimonials about mindfulness courses here

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